
Gapminder World

The Gapminder World Map was produced by Gapminder in August 2012, with the latest available data (2011). The chart compares all UN members and other countries ...

Gapminder Tools

Gapminder World Poster. This chart compares Life Expectancy & GDP per capita of all nations. How Did The World Population Change? First slowly. Then fast. How Reliable is the World... · How Did The World Population... · World Health Cha

World Health Chart

This graph is like a world map for health and wealth. Push play to see it change over time. Scroll down to see Hans Rosling explain it in a video. World Health Chart 2017 · World Health Chart 2019 · Printable PDF · Income Level 1


Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious or economic affiliations. Gapminder fights devastating misconceptions and promotes a ...


The Gapminder World Map was produced by Gapminder in August 2012, with the latest available data (2011). The chart compares all UN members and other countries ...


Free tools for a fact-based worldview. Used by millions of people, teachers, journalists and decision makers all over the world. Teaching with Gapminder · Resources · The Worldview Upgrader · Login

Dollar Street - photos as data to kill country stereotypes

Dollar Street is a Gapminder project - free for anyone to use. Today we feature 469 families in 67 countries, with 46070 photos and 8586 videos and counting ...

How reliable is the world population forecast?

The track record of the UN statisticians shows that their global forecasts have been very accurate historically.


Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious or economic affiliations. Gapminder fights devastating misconceptions and promotes a ...

Gapminder World Poster 2015

This chart shows the Life Expectancy and Income of 182 nations in the year 2015. Each bubble is a country. Size is population. Color is region.


TheGapminderWorldMapwasproducedbyGapminderinAugust2012,withthelatestavailabledata(2011).ThechartcomparesallUNmembersandothercountries ...,GapminderWorldPoster.ThischartcomparesLifeExpectancy&GDPpercapitaofallnations.HowDidTheWorldPopulationChange?Firstslowly.Thenfast.HowReliableistheWorld...·HowDidTheWorldPopulation...·WorldHealthCha,Thisgraphislikeaworldmapforhealthandwealth.Pushplaytosee...